


Sytax Description Example
date(greg_year, greg_month, greg_day) 从日期的一部分构造,如果年、月或日超出范围,则抛出 bad_year, bad_day_of_month, bad_day_month date d(200, Jan, 10);
date(date d) 拷贝构造函数 date d1(d);
date(special_values sv) 构造无限日期时间,非日期时间,最大最小日期时间
  • `date d1(neg_infin);`
  • `date d2(pos_infin);`
  • `date d3(not_a_date_time);`
  • `date d4(max_date_time);`
  • `date d5(min_date_time);`
date() 默认构造函数,初始化为 not_a_date_time,可以通过定义 DATE_TIME_NO_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR 来禁用此构造函数 date d; // d => not_a_date_time
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>

using namespace boost::gregorian;

int main()
// construction
date d(2021, Mar, 14);
std::cout << d << std::endl; // 2021-Mar-14

date d1(d);
std::cout << d1 << std::endl; // 2021-Mar-14

date d_neg_inf(neg_infin);
std::cout << d_neg_inf << std::endl; // -infinity
date d_pos_inf(pos_infin);
std::cout << d_pos_inf << std::endl; // +infinity
date d_not_a_date(not_a_date_time);
std::cout << d_not_a_date << std::endl; // not-a-date-time
date d_max(max_date_time);
std::cout << d_max << std::endl; // 9999-Dec-31
date d_min(min_date_time);
std::cout << d_min << std::endl; // 1400-Jan-01

date d_default;
std::cout << d_default << std::endl; // not-a-date-time

Construct from String

Sytax Description Example
date from_string(std::string) - 或者 / 分隔符的字符串构造日期对象,顺序为年月日 date d(from_string(std::string("2021-3-14")));
date from_undelimited_string(std::string) 从 ISO 类型日期字符串构建日期对象,顺序为年月日 date d(from_undelimited_string(std::string("20210314")));
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>

using namespace boost::gregorian;

int main()
// Construct from string
std::string ds("2021/3/14");
date dfs(from_string(ds));
std::cout << dfs << std::endl; // 2021-Mar-14

std::string ds2("2021-3-14");
date dfs2(from_string(ds2));
std::cout << dfs2 << std::endl; // 2021-Mar-14

std::string ds_undel("20210314");
date d_undel(from_undelimited_string(ds_undel));
std::cout << d_undel << std::endl; // 2021-Mar-14

Construct from Clock

Sytax Description Example
day_clock::local_day() 根据计算机的时区设置获取本地日期 date d(day_clock::local_day());
day_clock::universal_day( 获取 UTC 日期 date d(day_clock::universal_day());
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>

using namespace boost::gregorian;

int main()
// construct from clock
date d_local_clock(day_clock::local_day());
std::cout << d_local_clock << std::endl; // 2021-Mar-14

date d_utc_clock(day_clock::universal_day());
std::cout << d_utc_clock << std::endl; // 2021-Mar-14

date dddd(from_string(std::string("2021-3-14")));
std::cout << dddd << std::endl;


Sytax Description Example
greg_year year() const 获取日期的年份部分 date d(2002,Jan,10); d.year(); // --> 2002
greg_month month() const 获取日期的月份部分 date d(2002,Jan,10); d.month(); // --> 1
greg_day day() const 获取日期的日部分 date d(2002,Jan,10);; // --> 10
greg_ymd year_month_day() const 返回 year_month_day 结构体。当需要日期的所有3个部分时,效率更高 date d(2002,Jan,10); date::ymd_type ymd = d.year_month_day(); // ymd.year --> 2002, ymd.month --> 1, --> 10
greg_day_of_week day_of_week() const 获取星期几 date d(2002,Jan,10); d.day_of_week(); // --> Thursday
greg_day_of_year day_of_year() const 获取一年中的哪一天。从 1 到 366 date d(2000,Jan,10); d.day_of_year(); // --> 10
date end_of_month() const 返回当前月的最后一天的日期对象 date d(2000,Jan,10); d.end_of_month(); // --> 2000-Jan-31
bool is_infinity() const 如果日期是正无穷大或负无穷大,则返回 true date d(pos_infin); d.is_infinity(); // --> true
bool is_neg_infinity() const 如果日期为负无穷,则返回 true date d(neg_infin); d.is_neg_infinity(); // --> true
bool is_pos_infinity() const 如果日期为正无穷大,则返回 true date d(pos_infin); d.is_pos_infinity(); // --> true
bool is_not_a_date() const 如果值不是日期,则返回 true date d(not_a_date_time); d.is_not_a_date(); // --> true
bool is_special() const 如果日期是任何 special_value,则返回 true date d(pos_infin); date d2(not_a_date_time); date d3(2005,Mar,1); d.is_special(); // --> true d2.is_special(); // --> true d3.is_special(); // --> false
long modjulian_day() const 返回日期的修改后的儒略日
long julian_day() const 返回日期的儒略日
int week_number() const 返回日期的ISO 8601周编号
date end_of_month() const 返回日期的月份的最后一天 date d(2000,Feb,1); //gets Feb 29 -- 2000 was leap year, date eom = d.end_of_month();
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>
#include <vector>

using namespace boost::gregorian;

int main()
// Accessors
date today(day_clock::local_day());
greg_year year = today.year();
greg_month month = today.month();
greg_day day =;
std::cout << "year: "<< year << ", month: " << month << ", day: " << day << std::endl; // year: 2021, month: Mar, day: 14

date::ymd_type ymd = today.year_month_day();
std::cout << "year: "<< ymd.year << ", month: " << ymd.month << ", day: " << << std::endl; // year: 2021, month: Mar, day: 14

date::day_of_week_type dow = today.day_of_week();
std::cout << "day of week for today: " << dow << std::endl; // day of week for today: Sun

date::day_of_year_type doy = today.day_of_year();
std::cout << "day of year for today: " << doy << std::endl; // day of year for today: 73

date eom = today.end_of_month();
std::cout << "end of month for today: " << eom << std::endl; // end of month for today: 2021-Mar-31

std::cout << std::boolalpha;
std::cout << "Is infinity for today: " << today.is_infinity() << std::endl; // Is infinity for today: false
std::cout << "Is neg infinity for today: " << today.is_neg_infinity() << std::endl; // Is neg infinity for today: false
std::cout << "Is pos infinity for today: " << today.is_pos_infinity() << std::endl; // Is pos infinity for today: false
std::cout << "Is not a date for today: " << today.is_not_a_date() << std::endl; // Is not a date for today: false
std::cout << "Is special for today: " << today.is_special() << std::endl; // Is special for today: false

std::vector<std::string> special_string = {"not_a_date_time",
"neg_infin", "pos_infin",
"min_date_time", "max_date_time",
"not_special", "NumSpecialValues"};
std::cout << "As special for today: " << special_string[static_cast<int>(today.as_special())] << std::endl; // As special for today: not_special

std::cout << "modified julian day for today: " << today.modjulian_day() << std::endl; // modified julian day for today: 59287
std::cout << "julian day for today: " << today.julian_day() << std::endl; // julian day for today: 2459288
std::cout << "week number of today: " << today.week_number() << std::endl; // week number of today: 10
std::cout << "day number of today: " << today.day_number() << std::endl; // day number of today: 2459288

Convert to String

Sytax Description Example
std::string to_simple_string(date d) YYYY-mmm-DD 字符串,其中 mmm 是 3 个字符的月份名称 "2002-Jan-01"
std::string to_iso_string(date d) YYYYMMDD,其中所有部分都是整数 "20020131"
std::string to_iso_extended_string(date d) YYYY-MM-DD,其中所有部分均为整数 "2002-01-31"
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>

using namespace boost::gregorian;

int main()
// convert to string
std::string str_today = to_simple_string(today);
std::cout << "to_simple_string: " << str_today << std::endl; // to_simple_string: 2021-Mar-14
std::string str_iso_today = to_iso_string(today);
std::cout << "to_iso_string: " << str_iso_today << std::endl; // to_iso_string: 20210314
std::string str_iso_extend = to_iso_extended_string(today);
std::cout << "to_iso_extended_string: " << str_iso_extend << std::endl; // to_iso_extended_string: 2021-03-14
std::wstring wstr_today = to_simple_wstring(today);
std::wcout << "to_simple_wstring: "<< wstr_today << std::endl; // to_simple_wstring: 2021-Mar-14


Sytax Description
operator<< 流输出运算符
operator>> 流输入运算符
operator==, operator!=,operator>, operator<, operator>=, operator<= 比较运算符
date operator+(date_duration) const 返回日期加上日期偏移量
date operator-(date_duration) const 减去日期偏移量以返回日期
date_duration operator-(date) const 通过减去两个日期来返回 date_duration
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>

using namespace boost::gregorian;

int main()
// operator
std::stringstream ss("2021-Mar-14");
date date_from_str;
ss >> date_from_str;
std::cout << date_from_str << std::endl; // 2021-Mar-14

date yesterday;
date tomorrow;
date_duration one_day(1);
yesterday = today - one_day;
tomorrow = today + one_day;
std::cout << "yesterday: " << yesterday << std::endl; // yesterday: 2021-Mar-13
std::cout << "today: " << today << std::endl; // today: 2021-Mar-14
std::cout << "tomorrow:" << tomorrow << std::endl; // tomorrow:2021-Mar-15

std::cout << "yesterday == today? :" << (yesterday == today) << std::endl; // yesterday == today? :false
std::cout << "yesterday != today? :" << (yesterday != today) << std::endl; // yesterday != today? :true
std::cout << "yesterday > today? :" << (yesterday > today) << std::endl; // yesterday > today? :false
std::cout << "yesterday < today? :" << (yesterday < today) << std::endl; // yesterday < today? :true
std::cout << "yesterday >= today? :" << (yesterday >= today) << std::endl; // yesterday >= today? :false
std::cout << "yesterday <= today? :" << (yesterday <= today) << std::endl; // yesterday <= today? :true

Struct tm Functions

Sytax Description Example
tm to_tm(date) 用于将日期对象转换为 tm 结构的函数。字段 tm_hourtm_mintm_sec 设置为零。tm_isdst 字段设置为 -1
date date_from_tm(tm datetm) 用于将 tm 结构转换为日期对象的函数。字段:tm_wday, tm_yday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sectm_isdst 被忽略
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>

using namespace boost::gregorian;

int main()
// Struct tm Functions
tm d_tm = to_tm(today);
std::cout << "tm_year: " << d_tm.tm_year << std::endl; // tm_year: 121
std::cout << "tm_mon: " << d_tm.tm_mon << std::endl; // tm_mon: 2
std::cout << "tm_mday: " << d_tm.tm_mday << std::endl; // tm_mday: 14
std::cout << "tm_wday: " << d_tm.tm_wday << std::endl; // tm_wday: 0
std::cout << "tm_yday: " << d_tm.tm_yday << std::endl; // tm_yday: 72
std::cout << "tm_hour: " << d_tm.tm_hour << std::endl; // tm_hour: 0
std::cout << "tm_min: " << d_tm.tm_min << std::endl; // tm_min: 0
std::cout << "tm_sec: " << d_tm.tm_sec << std::endl; // tm_sec: 0
std::cout << "tm_isdst: " << d_tm.tm_isdst << std::endl; // tm_isdst: -1

d_tm.tm_hour = 12;
d_tm.tm_min = 15;
d_tm.tm_sec = 49;
date d_from_tm = date_from_tm(d_tm);
std::cout << d_from_tm << std::endl; // 2021-Mar-14

Date Duration

date_durationdays 是一样的

typedef date_duration days;
Syntax Description
date_duration(long) Create a duration count
days(special_values sv) Constructor for infinities, not-a-date-time, max_date_time, and min_date_time
long days() const Get the day count
bool is_negative() const True if number of days is less than zero
static date_duration unit() Return smallest possible unit of duration type
bool is_special() const Returns true if days is any special_value
operator<<, operator>> Streaming operators
operator==, operator!=, operator>, operator<, operator>=, operator<= A full complement of comparison operators
date_duration operator+(date_duration) const Add date durations
date_duration operator-(date_duration) const Subtract durations
months(int num_of_months) A logical month representation
years(int num_of_years) A logical representation of a year
weeks(int num_of_weeks) A duration type representing a number of n * 7 days

Date Period

Syntax Description
date_period(date, date) Create a period as [begin, end). If end is <= begin then the period will be invalid
date_period(date, days) Create a period as [begin, begin+len) where end point would be begin+len. If len is <= zero then the period will be defined as invalid
date_period(date_period) Copy constructor
date_period shift(days) Add duration to both begin and end
date_period expand(days) Subtract duration from begin and add duration to end
date begin() Return first day of period
date last() Return last date in the period
date end() Return one past the last in period
days length() Return the length of the date_period
bool is_null() True if period is not well formed. eg: end less than or equal to begin
bool contains(date) True if date is within the period. Zero length periods cannot contain any points
bool contains(date_period) True if date period is within the period
bool intersects(date_period) True if periods overlap
date_period intersection(date_period) Calculate the intersection of 2 periods. Null if no intersection
date_period is_adjacent(date_period) Check if two periods are adjacent, but not overlapping
date_period is_after(date) Determine the period is after a given date.
date_period is_before(date) Determine the period is before a given date
date_period merge(date_period) Returns union of two periods. Null if no intersection
date_period span(date_period) Combines two periods and any gap between them such that begin = min(p1.begin, p2.begin) and end = max(p1.end , p2.end)
date_period shift(days) Add duration to both begin and end
date_period expand(days) Subtract duration from begin and add duration to end
std::string to_simple_string(date_period dp) To [YYYY-mmm-DD/YYYY-mmm-DD] string where mmm is 3 char month name
operator<< ostream operator for date_period. Uses facet to format time points. Typical output: [2002-Jan-01/2002-Jan-31].
operator>> istream operator for date_period. Uses facet to parse time points
operator==, operator!=, operator>, operator< A full complement of comparison operators
operator< True if dp1.end() less than dp2.begin()
operator> True if dp1.begin() greater than dp2.end()

Posix Time


Syntax Description
ptime(date,time_duration) Construct from a date and offset
ptime(ptime) Copy constructor
ptime(special_values sv) Constructor for infinities, not-a-date-time, max_date_time, and min_date_time
ptime Default constructor. Creates a ptime object initialized to not_a_date_time
ptime time_from_string(std::string) From delimited string
ptime from_iso_string(std::string) From non delimited iso form string
ptime from_iso_extended_string(std::string) From delimited iso form string
ptime second_clock::local_time() Get the local time, second level resolution, based on the time zone settings of the computer.
ptime second_clock::universal_time() Get the UTC time
ptime microsec_clock::local_time() Get the local time using a sub second resolution clock.
ptime microsec_clock::universal_time() Get the UTC time using a sub second resolution clock
ptime from_time_t(time_t t) Converts a time_t into a ptime
ptime from_ftime<ptime>(FILETIME ft) Creates a ptime object from a FILETIME structure
date date() Get the date part of a time
time_duration time_of_day() Get the time offset in the day
bool is_infinity() const Returns true if ptime is either positive or negative infinity
bool is_neg_infinity() const Returns true if ptime is negative infinity
bool is_pos_infinity() const Returns true if ptime is positive infinity
bool is_not_a_date_time() const Returns true if value is not a ptime
bool is_special() const Returns true if ptime is any special_value
std::string to_simple_string(ptime) To YYYY-mmm-DD HH:MM:SS.fffffffff string where mmm 3 char month name. Fractional seconds only included if non-zero
std::string to_iso_string(ptime) Convert to form YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS,fffffffff where T is the date-time separator
std::string to_iso_extended_string(ptime) Convert to form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS,fffffffff where T is the date-time separator
operator<<, operator>> Streaming operators
operator==, operator!=, operator>, operator<, operator>=, operator<= A full complement of comparison operators
ptime operator+(days) Return a ptime adding a day offset
ptime operator-(days) Return a ptime subtracting a day offset
ptime operator+(time_duration) Return a ptime adding a time duration
ptime operator-(time_duration) Return a ptime subtracting a time duration
time_duration operator-(ptime) Take the difference between two times
tm to_tm(ptime) A function for converting a ptime object to a tm struct. The tm_isdst field is set to -1
ptime ptime_from_tm(tm timetm) A function for converting a tm struct to a ptime object. The fields: tm_wday, tm_yday, and tm_isdst are ignored
tm to_tm(time_duration) A function for converting a time_duration object to a tm struct. The fields: tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_wday, tm_yday are set to zero. The tm_isdst field is set to -1
ptime from_time_t(std::time_t) Creates a ptime from the time_t parameter. The seconds held in the time_t are added to a time point of 1970-Jan-01
ptime from_ftime<ptime>(FILETIME) A template function that constructs a ptime from a FILETIME struct

Time Duration

Syntax Description
time_duration(hours, minutes, seconds, fractional_seconds) Construct a duration from the counts
time_duration(special_value sv) Special values constructor
hours(long) Number of hours
minutes(long) Number of minutes
seconds(long) Number of seconds
milliseconds(long) Number of milliseconds
microseconds(long) Number of microseconds
nanoseconds(long) Number of nanoseconds
time_duration duration_from_string(std::string) From delimited string
boost::int64_t hours() Get the number of normalized hours (will give unpredictable results if calling time_duration is a special_value)
boost::int64_t minutes() Get the number of minutes normalized +/-(0..59) (will give unpredictable results if calling time_duration is a special_value)
boost::int64_t seconds() const Get the normalized number of second +/-(0..59) (will give unpredictable results if calling time_duration is a special_value)
boost::int64_t total_seconds() const Get the total number of seconds truncating any fractional seconds (will give unpredictable results if calling time_duration is a special_value)
boost::int64_t total_milliseconds() const Get the total number of milliseconds truncating any remaining digits (will give unpredictable results if calling time_duration is a special_value)
oost::int64_t total_microseconds() const Get the total number of microseconds truncating any remaining digits (will give unpredictable results if calling time_duration is a special_value)
boost::int64_t total_nanoseconds() const Get the total number of nanoseconds truncating any remaining digits (will give unpredictable results if calling time_duration is a special_value)
boost::int64_t fractional_seconds() const Get the number of fractional seconds (will give unpredictable results if calling time_duration is a special_value)
bool is_negative() const True if and only if duration is negative
bool is_zero() const True if and only if duration is zero
bool is_positive() const True if and only if duration is positive
time_duration invert_sign() const Generate a new duration with the sign inverted
time_duration abs() const Generate a new duration with the absolute value of the time duration
date_time::time_resolutions time_duration::resolution() Describes the resolution capability of the time_duration class. time_resolutions is an enum of resolution possibilities ranging from seconds to nanoseconds
unsigned short time_duration::num_fractional_digits() Returns the number of fractional digits the time resolution has
boost::int64_t time_duration::ticks_per_second() Return the number of ticks in a second. For example, if the duration supports nanoseconds then the returned result will be 1,000,000,000 (1e+9)
boost::int64_t ticks() Return the raw count of the duration type (will give unpredictable results if calling time_duration is a special_value)
time_duration time_duration::unit() Return smallest possible unit of duration type (1 nanosecond)
bool is_neg_infinity() const Returns true if time_duration is negative infinity
bool is_pos_infinity() const Returns true if time_duration is positive infinity
bool is_not_a_date_time() const Returns true if value is not a time
bool is_special() const Returns true if time_duration is any special_value
std::string to_simple_string(time_duration) To HH:MM:SS.fffffffff were fff is fractional seconds that are only included if non-zero
std::string to_iso_string(time_duration) Convert to form HHMMSS,fffffffff
operator<<, operator>> Streaming operators
operator==, operator!=, operator>, operator<, operator>=, operator<= A full complement of comparison operators
time_duration operator+(time_duration) Add durations
time_duration operator-(time_duration) Subtract durations
time_duration operator/(int) Divide the length of a duration by an integer value. Discards any remainder
time_duration operator*(int) Multiply the length of a duration by an integer value
tm to_tm(time_duration) A function for converting a time_duration object to a tm struct. The fields: tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_wday, tm_yday are set to zero. The tm_isdst field is set to -1

Time Period

Syntax Description
time_period(ptime, ptime) Create a period as [begin, end). If end is <= begin then the period will be defined as invalid
time_period(ptime, time_duration) Create a period as [begin, begin+len) where end would be begin+len. If len is <= zero then the period will be defined as invalid
time_period(time_period rhs) Copy constructor
time_period shift(time_duration) Add duration to both begin and end
time_period expand(days) Subtract duration from begin and add duration to end
ptime begin() Return first time of period
ptime last() Return last time in the period
ptime end() Return one past the last in period
time_duration length() Return the length of the time period
bool is_null() True if period is not well formed. eg: end is less than or equal to begin.
bool contains(ptime) True if ptime is within the period. Zero length periods cannot contain any points
bool contains(time_period) True if period is within the period
bool intersects(time_period) True if periods overlap
time_period intersection(time_period) Calculate the intersection of 2 periods. Null if no intersection
time_period merge(time_period) Returns union of two periods. Null if no intersection
time_period span(time_period) Combines two periods and any gap between them such that begin = min(p1.begin, p2.begin) and end = max(p1.end , p2.end)
std::string to_simple_string(time_period dp) To [YYYY-mmm-DD hh:mm:ss.fffffffff/YYYY-mmm-DD hh:mm:ss.fffffffff] string where mmm is 3 char month name
operator<< Output streaming operator for time duration
operator>> Input streaming operator for time duration
operator==, operator!= Equality operators. Periods are equal if p1.begin == p2.begin && p1.last == p2.last
operator< Ordering with no overlap. True if tp1.end() less than tp2.begin()
operator> Ordering with no overlap. True if tp1.begin() greater than tp2.end()
operator<=, operator>= Defined in terms of the other operators

Time Iterators

Syntax Description
operator==(const ptime& rhs), operator!=(const ptime& rhs), operator>, operator<, operator>=, operator<= A full complement of comparison operators
prefix increment Increment the iterator by the specified duration
prefix decrement Decrement the iterator by the specified time duration

Local Time

Time Zone (abstract)

Syntax Description
string_type dst_zone_abbrev() Returns the daylight savings abbreviation for the represented time zone
string_type std_zone_abbrev() Returns the standard abbreviation for the represented time zone
string_type dst_zone_name() Returns the daylight savings name for the represented time zone
string_type std_zone_name() Returns the standard name for the represented time zone
bool has_dst() Returns true if this time zone does not make a daylight savings shift
time_type dst_local_start_time(year_type) The date and time daylight savings time begins in given year
time_type dst_local_end_time(year_type) The date and time daylight savings time ends in given year
time_duration_type base_utc_offset() The amount of time offset from UTC (typically in hours)
time_duration_type dst_offset() The amount of time shifted during daylight savings
std::string to_posix_string() Returns a posix time zone string representation of this time_zone_base object

Posix Time Zone

Syntax Description
posix_time_zone(std::string) Construction
std::string dst_zone_abbrev() Returns the daylight savings abbreviation for the represented time zone
std::string std_zone_abbrev() Returns the standard abbreviation for the represented time zone
std::string dst_zone_name() Returns the daylight savings ABBREVIATION for the represented time zone
std::string std_zone_name() Returns the standard ABBREVIATION for the represented time zone
bool has_dst() Returns true when time_zone’s shared_ptr to dst_calc_rules is not NULL
ptime dst_local_start_time(greg_year) The date and time daylight savings time begins in given year. Returns not_a_date_time if this zone has no daylight savings
ptime dst_local_end_time(greg_year) The date and time daylight savings time ends in given year. Returns not_a_date_time if this zone has no daylight savings
time_duration base_utc_offset() The amount of time offset from UTC (typically in hours)
posix_time::time_duration dst_offset() The amount of time shifted during daylight saving
std::string to_posix_string() Returns a posix time zone string representation of this time_zone_base object

Time Zone Database

Syntax Description
tz_database() Constructor creates an empty database
bool load_from_file(std::string) Parameter is path to a time zone spec csv file
bool tz_db.add_record(std::string id, time_zone_ptr tz) Adds a time_zone, or a posix_time_zone, to the database. ID is the region name for this zone
time_zone_ptr tz_db.time_zone_from_region(string id) Returns a time_zone, via a time_zone_ptr, that matches the region listed in the data file
vector<string> tz_db.region_list() Returns a vector of strings that holds all the region ID strings from the database