
C++20 引入了 designated initializers 来使用它们的名字来初始化聚合的数据成员。聚合类型可以是数组类型的对象,或者满足以下限制的结构体或类对象:

  • 只有 public 数据成员
  • 没有用户声明或继承的构造函数
  • 没有虚函数
  • 没有 virtual, privateprotected 基类


struct Employee
char firstInitial;
char lastInitial;
int employeeNumber;
int salary { 75'000 };

在定义一个结构体对象时,可以使用 uniform initialization 进行初始化,例如:

Employee anEmployee { 'J', 'D', 42, 80'000 }; 

也可以使用 designated initializers 进行初始化,例如:

Employee anEmployee
.firstInitial = 'J',
.lastInitial = 'D',
.employeeNumber = 42,
.salary = 80'000

在使用 designated initializers 进行初始化时,也可以初始化部分成员,这样,未被指定初始化的成员则进行 zero initialized。例如:

Employee anEmployee
.firstInitial = 'J',
.lastInitial = 'D',
.salary = 80'000

此时,emplyeeNumber 将被设置为 0.

designated initializers 的优点在于:

  • 更容易理解指定的初始化器正在初始化什么
  • when members are added to the data structure, existing code using designated initializers keeps working. The new data members will just be initialized with their default values.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <format>

struct Student
std::string name;
int nId;
int nClass;
int nAge;

int main()
Student a{
.name = "Tom",
.nId = 123456,
.nClass = 3,
.nAge = 20,

std::cout << std::format("name: {}, id: {}, class: {}, age: {}\n", a.name, a.nId, a.nClass, a.nAge);

Student b{
.name = "Jerry",
.nId = 123457,
.nAge = 19,

std::cout << std::format("name: {}, id: {}, class: {}, age: {}\n", b.name, b.nId, b.nClass, b.nAge);

return 0;


name: Tom, id: 123456, class: 3, age: 20
name: Jerry, id: 123457, class: 0, age: 19